Saturday, January 7, 2012

" Don't forget the Lyrics "

The Music is blasting,
I am Trying to forget,
I am Trying to relax.

So I'm focusing on the lyrics,
Remembering every word,
If only I could stay here forever.

Three words whispered on Long Distance
trapped between Truth and Pretend, deceived,
10 letters that drift far beneath the Skin
with a Taste of Bittersweet

I don't sing,
I just listen,
as he calls me ' Baby ',
I listen to the singers voice.

Inhale, Inhale...
If only life were this easy,
Easy as lyrics in a song,
Lyrics that help me find a way

As my Heart explodes
I Pause and Hold, Hold it in
I press Replay for one more Chance
The Truth, I hit Reset

The emotion the Singer is expressing,
feelings of a deeper Sense,
real Life and Struggle,
He is expressing his Love to a girl

Someone punch me in the Side
so I can explain why I can't breathe...
I listen,
to a Love picture-perfect,
deceiving, a beautiful Mess
but he shows no Love for the Mind or Compassion
shifted Ideals or Values as my Heart gets broken,
he prefers a plastic Foundation
as I try to confess

I turn the Volume up
as he sings of Yesterdays,
and hurting People he says he needs,
I wonder,
Is the Singer trying to make me realize,
Emotions I may or may not know ?

Exhale, Exhale ...
If only life were this easy,
Easy as lyrics in a song,
Lyrics that help me find a way.

I listen,
listen to the Music,
as I feel a pain crawl over me,
I listen,
and his Song comes to an end
The Singer tries to love everybody,
and that's the part of his Lyrics
I may never understand...

but I know that all the words he said to me
were just pretend.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Wuerzburg Residence ...

The German Castle is a popular Tourist Atraction
gone Hollywood.

This Location was recently chosen
to appear in the upcoming Movie
" The 3 Musketeers 2011 "

During the 2nd World War Wuerzburg got destroyed by US Forces, mistaken for an Industrial City like the City of Schweinfurt, Germany, which is ca. 30km away. The Residence Castle was supposed to be leveled to the Ground.
The City of Wuerzburg is a very cultural and artistic Tourist Location, always has been, and thankfully one american Officer saw the Artwork all through the Town during Wartime and saved the Ren. Castle you all can admire still today. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Long live Venice ( part due )

In Piazza San Marco parades and concerts are held over about ten days to show off the most incredible, most awesome and most beautiful costumes. These Costumes compete with San Marco's Basilika and the Doge's Palace. Mom and I had to get there early to get a good spot, a spot close to the Stage to see the full Mask Parade. Most of the Event's back then were free, and maybe they still are, but the Costume Ball my Mom decided to visit had set us back for a few hundered Bucks.
We entered Piazza San Marco to Vivaldi on the Loudspeakers as the Mask Parade was on, we found it kind of difficult to see due to ever - swelling crowds. But it is a Shutterbug's Paradise!! Really everyone willingly poses for Photographs, afterall they don't wear Costumes to be ignored... but just when you thought you found the fanciest Costume, you'll surely find a much better one. - Atleast that was how we felt, Mom and I couldn't get enough.The most sought after Souvenirs are Masks, these have various price ranges. While the traditional ones are made of Paper Mache and hand painted - they tend to be more expensive and come in a huge variety of designs and sizes - the ceramic ones are more abundant. Some of those are also hand painted in many designs, varieties, colors and sized. After countless visits to Italy all of my Family members have learnt to avoid getting ripped off : Shop in Stores instead of Souvenir stands and most importantly away from the Tourist areas!! - I'm speaking from experiences, since my entire Vacations savings got Pick - pocketed at one time

Viva Venezia for its height of Color! ( part Uno )

It was 1997 and we just arrived in Treviso after leaving snowy Switzerland, we saw that Italy was sunscorched even in Winter. The brown landscape contrasted  with the year-round green of Germany's Countryside, and it was hard to believe that we had been driving through the snowcapped Alps just Hours before.Despite the chilly Adriatic Breeze, we were immediately warmed by the Sun. Mom and I, we were about to celebrate the most vibrate and elegant Celebration around the World.

Our Bus into the Heart of Venice took us past several stately Villas, but to me, even the most ramshackled builing held a certain Charm. In less than an hour, I do believe it was before we even realized it, Venice loomed in Front of us in all its Glory.
Venice on a normal Day alone is magnificent, but Venice during Carnival is vibrant, colorful and joyous. If you think that this Magnificence can not be improved, then think again! Soon after our arrival signs of Carnivalbecame more and more apparent. Much of Venice's Population was in Costumes - from the most simple to the most expensive. Face painters were standing by, waiting to paint the most sparkly and fancy designs onto any willing Tourist. In every Shop window and Souvenir Stand there were Carnival Masks. While some are for wearing, others are just for Decoration - fortunately these Masks are sold year-round, so even if you miss the Carnival season, you can still capture a piece of it.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am Wanted !

So yeah, it's official, I am here for 3 years.
And today was another Appointment at the Immigration Office, scheduled for mornings.
We got there, and ofcourse, we had to pick a Number again. Slowly but surely it just makes me laugh every time I need to show up there.
So we kept playing the Waiting Game until our Name was called at 11.45am. Inside the Office my Husband and I got questioned about how long we are married now, how many Children and how old, ect... .
Well, what I have learnt today is that I am - or was - " Wanted for illegal Immigration to the USA " since 2002 by the City of Baltimore, and that a Deportation was planned.

The Story behind this was that I've lived in Baltimore from 1999 to 2000, legally with a 2 - year Greencard, but then decided to pack my Stuff and move back to Europe at the End of 2000. So far so good, Hubby and I got a House in Germany and started our little Famile, since Brendan was already on the way. Brendan was born 2001 in Germany and now has a Dual Citizenship. - And so does his little Brother, Erin, born in 2003.
Little did we know back then that my Greencard was about to run out, muchless where to go to re-new it, and no one was in any way able to help. Okay, we were in Germany and Life was good... A. had a great Job at a Hospital for the Army and I , as a Stay - at- Home Mom , took care of Baby and everything else.
In 2007 A. decided to re-join the Military and after AIT got sent to F.L Wa. , I followed about 8 months later. Why that late ? Well, it's simple. I just had to finish everything up at home, afterall my Oldest was in the Middle of a Schoolyear. But the most obvious reason should be the Housing Factor ! I simply was not willing to live for God knows how long in a Motel Hotel, out of a Suitcase, cramped into a small room with 2 Boys  - No, Thank You !!! And I am sure every Mother with an Ounce of Brain would agree with me on that.
Long Story short, my Application for a 10-Year - Greencard is after 3 Years still pending and there will be a Hearing at some Court Downtown Seattle about my Case... eventhough, it was clearly a ' Misunderstanding ' by the Immigration Office... Let's see how this will go on.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Time for Transformation !

I am working on becoming a better person, not just for everyone around me but also, maybe mainly, for myself.
Past Tuesday I went to my 3rd Meeting with a Consultant and every time I learn so much more about myself. Rightnow I'd say he still gets to know me, so we talk about everything that comes to mind : Family, Children, Neighborhood, School, my Past and my Marriage... but for now, mostly just me.
By age 18 I was diagnosed with Depressions caused by traumatic Experiences, and instead of facing it back then I buried it inside and went on with my Life. But lately it seems as if it all comes back to haunt me and it feels as if an entire Brickwall comes down on me. - Of course, the famous Washington State Weather does its part aswell. Seriously, in the last months I've caught myself drifting into thoughts back to passages of my Life, which almost every time brings me to tears... because now, today, I know what I've should have done ( details in following Blogs ).

So yah, it's Time for Change, a true Transformation in Life as it is, maybe based on ' The Rule of 3 '  once more and with a Hint of Self - Awareness !!  Wish me Luck.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ET ohne Verbindung...

I'm a legal Alien.... uhm, STING, yeah ?!

Also ich bin das ja auch, ein ' legal Alien ' , dankdem dass mein Mann im Militaer ist.
Seit sage und schreibe fast 3 Jahren warte ich nun auf meine Zulassung, oder auch Greencard genannt. Bereits in 2000 hatte ich meine zweijaehrige Karte die dann im November 2001 auslief. Wir wohnten ja dann fuer fast 7 Jahre in Deutschland, in der Naehe meiner Eltern, und wussten auch nicht dass wir entweder diese Greencard haetten erneuern oder haetten abmelden muessen... also liessen wir sie dann auslaufen.
Jetzt wissen wir natuerlich dass das eine schlechte Idee war.
Seitdem ich nun wieder in Amerika bin warten wir jetzt auf meine zehnjaehrige Karte, gingen zu Waller Hall hier auf Fort Lewis und liessen uns von so einem Mitarbeiter im Rollstuhl erklaeren was und wie wir alles genau ausfuellen mussten. - Gesagt getan und wir bezahlten alle gefragten Betraege... done !!
Oder zumindest dachten wir so, und das war falsch. So ungefaehr vor zwei Monaten erhielt ich dann einen Anruf vom einem Officer Harold der im Immigration Office in Seattle arbeitet. Der sagte mir dann, dass wir die komplett falschen Papiere ausfuellten und ebenfalls viel zu viel dafuer bezahlt hatten. ( Fuer die Papiere die wir angewiesen wurden auszufuellen und den dazugehoerigen Betrag von ueber 1000$ zu begleichen - Notiz - von einem der Angestellen des Staatsbetriebs !!! ) Jezt geht das Ganze nochmal von Vorne los und ich muss dazu noch eine schriftliche Erklaerung abgeben darueber warum das denn so lange gedauert hat. Aber das Hoechste ist, dass ich die Angestellten dieses Staates jetzt ganz lieb um die Rueckgabe meines Geld es( welches ich dank falscher Informationen zahlte ) bitten darf !! - Extrem sauer !!! - Well, wish my good Luck on that then.
Und nochwas : Eigentlich schneidet sich der Staat Washington in diesem Fall schon seit Jahren ins eigene Fleisch, da ich jetzt schon seit fast 3 Jahren mit meinem Mann, zwei Kindern hier leben ... und koennte schon tausendfach Steuerzahler sein... so get into Gear, Washington State. :P